One Alone
Men Who Write Are for Real
By Helen Humrichouser
Dear Helen: It surprises me that “Several Gals" could be so unbelieving about men reading and writing to One Alone. I have been following it for several months and my big objection is having to search through the women's pages to find that little heading in such small type. It would certainly help if it were listed in the front page index. I recently spent several months in sunny California and was very pleasantly surprised to find a great deal of activity directed towards single people; clubs from the straight-laced to the very swinging! Newspaper columns and advertising for unattached are very common in most papers with honesty and frankness being the keynote, especially in the free press papers. In short, you don't need to go to Alice's Restaurant to find anything you might want.
(A local paper would not even accept an ad for a rider when I went to the coast without inserting the word "man" in the appropriate places, thus reducing the effective audience and furthermore inferring an approval of homosexual rather than heterosexual relationships; such staid editorial policy!) Anyway, I am a very honest and sincere person, 35, divorced over a year and supporting three children and intend to see that they live a comfortable life, too. Since I do not intend to ever go through the mess of divorce again, I will spend time looking for the right combination of qualities this time. But I am having trouble getting acquainted with women here. My interests include private flying, music, dancing, bowling and photography.
Dear For:
For Candidness
Sorry I had to condense
your letter. I admire your
devotion to honesty, but I'm afraid much that passes for
honesty today is just plain bad taste or pornography. (It's honest to know and admit that murder exists, bat you'd be a fool to embrace
It or promote it.) I have seen some of the West Coast free press products and if that makes us a “staid newspaper" I'm glad we are.
One Alone is listed in the index on Sundays. Don't Worry about looking through the Weren's pages on Wednesdays as you caA learn a lot about wonezfacts, fancies, fashions and foibles-that way.
P.S. Inferences that edi
tors never thought of implying are drawn by some readers. Add caution te veur candidness and you will understand that we are much more esecerned about readers then we are in nuyeme's sexuality.